Dinamo & Innoway Consulting Strategic Collaboration

Dinamo & Innoway Consulting Strategic Collaboration

Dinamo Consulting and Innoway Consulting joined forces in project finance and M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions).

Dinamo and Innoway Consulting signed a strategic collaboration agreement for financing domestic and international projects in the automotive and machinery manufacturing sectors and the realization of M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) transactions.

Under the agreement; The competencies of Dinamo Consulting, which has offices in Istanbul and Toronto and is an expert in project finance and M&A, and Innoway Consulting, which specializes in automotive and machinery manufacturing sectors, are brought together to let investors realize the transactions in the most efficient way.

About Innoway Consulting
Innoway Consulting, reaching 35 years of experience in Automotive Industry, follows closely the automotive eco-system, to support technology transfer and commercial cooperation between Turkey and US, EU, China.

Besides, Mr. Suheyl Baybali’s ( Executive Partner of Innoway Consulting ) contribution to both Automotive and Machinery Industry, as Auditing Board Chairman and Executive Officer in Automotive Suppliers Association of Turkey ( TAYSAD ) in the last 14 years, resulted with valuable cooperations between NGO’s and stake holders.

Innoway currently consulting Digital Transformation, Mobility, Connected-Autonomous-Shared and Electric Vehicles (CASE), Smart City Projects and Strategy Mapping together with his Partners.
Joint ( PPP ) projects are also supported in collaboration with universities, research institutions, industry and public institutions to generate solutions for mobility, greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, digital services and smart city applications.

About Dinamo Consulting
Established in 2006 in ıstanbul and sister company in 2016 in Toronto, Dinamo Consulting is specialized in project finance, PPP, M&As, financial modelling, advanced pricing techniques, valuation and leasing. Our core fields of activities are the risk analysis of projects, building business and project finance models and creating the state of the art financial feasibility reports, including sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo analysis on demand. We aim to let financially feasible projects to get the most favourable terms of finance by eliminating or mitigating the riskiness of the projects and increasing bankability while maximizing the ROE of investors.
Dinamo is a member of Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) and PPP (Public-Private Partnership) committee. Dinamo completed more than 100 consulting projects. We also have more than 500 strong client references, including major Banks, Multinational and Holding companies.
Our primary focus is the Middle East and Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Dinamo has been active for projects in Turkey, Italy, Germany, Lithuania, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Turkmenistan so far.